Plessas Experts Network


Updates and News


There are many great sources of OSINT tips and training online now. From the OSINT RocketChat to the OSINT Framework to Technisette’s great list of resources… and very many more. But something new is a coalition of OSINT professionals into a loose group called OSINTCurious. OSINTCurious hosts a biweekly live webcast (which is also broadcast as a podcast), a series of 10-minute videos and a blog.

OSINTCurious stickers are available if you find one of the members in person!

OSINTCurious stickers are available if you find one of the members in person!

Our own Kirby Plessas is a former advisor and founding member of OSINTCurious, and you can read up on the other members on the website.

Kirby Plessas